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Quotes by Book | Quotes by Character | Quotes by Subject

<Quotes by Book>


#1: The Invasion

#2: The Visitor

#3: The Encounter

#4: The Message

#5: The Predator

#6: The Capture

#7: The Stranger

MM#1: The Andalite’s Gift

#8: The Alien

#9: The Secret

#10: The Android

#11: The Forgotten

#12: The Reaction

#13: The Change

The Andalite Chronicles

#14: The Unknown

#15: The Escape

#16: The Warning

#17: The Underground

#18: The Decision

MM#2: In the Time of the Dinosaurs

#19: The Departure

#20: The Discovery

#21: The Threat

#22: The Solution

The Hork-Bajir Chronicles

#23: The Pretender

#24: The Suspicion

#25: The Extreme

#26: The Attack

#27: The Exposed

#28: The Experiment

#29: The Sickness

MM#3: Elfangor’s Secret

#30: The Reunion

#31: The Conspiracy

#32: The Separation

#33: The Illusion

#34: The Prophecy

#35: The Proposal


#36: The Mutation

#37: The Weakness

#38: The Arrival

#39: The Hidden

#40: The Other

MM#4: Back to Before

#41: The Familiar

#42: The Journey

#43: The Test

#44: The Unexpected

#45: The Revelation

#46: The Deception

#47: The Resistance

The Ellimist Chronicles

#48: The Return

#49: The Diversion

#50: The Ultimate

#51: The Absolute

#52: The Sacrifice

#53: The Answer

#54: The Beginning

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All pictures and books copyrighted by Scholastic, Inc.  Books by K.A. Applegate, and pictures by David B. Mattingly.